Wellp, now you did it. Broke the damn computer. You probably didn`t even do
anything major, did you& But see, I`m the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, and I pop up totally randomly, and most times, for no good gah-damn reason.

You`re probably sweatin` bullets right now, aren`t you& I love it. So, there are a couple options you coud try, neither of which will work whatsoever, but shit,
be my guest.

_ HitCTRL+ALT+DEL. This will restart me. But, everything you`ve done on me up
until this pointwill be gone. Tough titties. But if you`re into downloading weird
online GIF`s (which you are), I`m guessing this isn`t a terrible option. Pervert.

- Don`thit CTRL+ALT+DEL and get on the phone with every computer repair guy
in town. All of`em. Give `em al a shot. It`s fine. I`ll wait. I ain`t going anywhere.
Wellp, now you did it. Broke the damn computer. You probably didn`t even do
anything major, did you& But see, I`m the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, and I pop up totally randomly, and most times, for no good gah-damn reason.

You`re probably sweatin` bullets right now, aren`t you& I love it. So, there are a couple options you coud try, neither of which will work whatsoever, but shit,
be my guest.

_ HitCTRL+ALT+DEL. This will restart me. But, everything you`ve done on me up
until this pointwill be gone. Tough titties. But if you`re into downloading weird
online GIF`s (which you are), I`m guessing this isn`t a terrible option. Pervert.

- Don`thit CTRL+ALT+DEL and get on the phone with every computer repair guy
in town. All of`em. Give `em al a shot. It`s fine. I`ll wait. I ain`t going anywhere.